天貝(發酵黃豆餅 )2片
秋葵 1條
新鮮粟米粒 約3湯匙
黑木耳絲 約2湯匙
甘筍絲 適量
已浸泡海帶芽 少許
熟白芝麻 適量
麻油 適量
手作稻庭烏冬 100克
日本無糖豆漿 200克
水 200克
白味噌 1湯匙
醬油 1湯匙
香菇粉 1/4茶匙
- 熱鍋下油,先將天貝煎至兩面金黃後灑上少許鹽及黑胡椒碎調味,備用。
- 其他蔬菜用下了鹽的滾水略煮一會,隔水瀝乾後拌入少許麻油,備用。
- 烏冬用滾水煮4分鐘後過冷河,瀝乾放入麵碗中,再放上所有蔬菜及海帶芽。
- 先將200克熱水、味噌、醬油及菇粉完全拌勻再煮沸,然後加入豆漿煮熱,但不煮沸。
- 最後加入碗中,再灑上少許芝麻即可享用。
Tempeh with Handmade Inaniwa Udon in Miso Soy Milk Soup
Ingredients: (serves 1)
2 pieces of tempeh (fermented soybean cake)
1 okra
Approx. 3 tbsp fresh sweet corn kernels
Approx. 2 tbsp shredded wood ear
A handful of shredded carrot
A small handful of soaked wakame
A sprinkle of roasted white sesame seeds
A drizzle of sesame oil
100g handmade Inaniwa udon
Soup ingredients:
200g Japanese unsweetened soy milk
200g water
1tbsp white miso
1 tbsp soy sauce
1/4 tsp mushroom powder
- Heat up a frying pan. Drizzle with oil. Fry both sides of the tempeh until golden brown. Season with a pinch of salt and ground black pepper. Set aside.
- Cook the vegetables in salted water for a few minutes. Drain away the water. Mix in a drizzle of sesame oil. Set aside.
- Cook the udon in boiling water for 4 minutes. Rinse in cold water and drain. Place the udon in a noodle bowl. Arrange the tempeh, vegetables and wakame nicely on top.
- Mix 200g of hot water, the miso, soy sauce and mushroom powder until everything is combined. Bring to the boil. Stir in the soy milk. Simmer for some minutes without letting it boil.
- Pour the soup into the bowl. Sprinkle with sesame seeds before serving.