
Ken Kwong

想必不用多介紹,這道純素蘑菇濃湯,幾乎是我們最熟悉的西式濃湯。濃滑、香醇的燕麥奶與蘑菇的風味結合在一起,讓許多喝過的朋友都難以忘懷它的美味。恰當的香菇粉、橄欖油、海鹽的比例,讓這道湯品散發出迷人的魅力。想像一下,下班回到家,有一碗熱騰騰的濃湯在餐桌上迎接你, 哪怕白天工作再苦再累, 也能瞬間化解了!



材料 :
大啡菇  2隻
什菌(白菌、鮮冬菇 、靈芝菇)約300g
薯仔  1個
西芹  2條
燕麥奶  1杯
百里香  少許 
海鹽 2茶匙
黑胡椒碎 適量
香菇粉 1茶匙
橄欖油 3湯匙


  1. 先將菇類切厚片,薯仔及西芹切薄片,備用;
  2. 取一湯鍋,熱鍋下油,先將菇類炒香,再加入薯仔、西芹及百里香,略炒香後加入適量熱水,煮沸後轉中小火,將薯仔西芹煮至軟身;
  3. 將步驟2的食材倒入高速攪拌機中,打至幼滑,最後加入所有調味料及燕麥奶煮沸,即可享用。


Vegan Creamy Mushroom Soup

Ingredients :
2 Portobello mushrooms
Approx. 300g mixed mushrooms (white mushrooms, fresh shiitake mushrooms and shimeji mushrooms)
1 potato
2 stalks of celery
1 cup oat milk
A pinch of thyme
2 tsp sea salt
A pinch of ground black pepper
1 tsp mushroom powder
3 tbsp olive oil


  1. Cut the mushrooms into thick slices. Thinly slice the potato and celery. Set aside.
  2. Heat up a cooking pot. Add a drizzle of oil and stir fry the mushrooms. Add the potato, celery and thyme. Stir fry quickly. Pour in some hot water and bring to the boil. Reduce to medium-low heat. Cook until the potato and celery softened.
  3. Place all the ingredients of step 2 into a high-speed blender. Whizz until smooth. Lastly, add in all the seasonings and the oat milk. Bring to the boil. Ready to serve.