Grace Wong純素媽媽
炎夏日,胃口也隨之變小,常想吃些酸甜又開胃的甜點。今期,閃亮登場的純素媽媽Grace,將發揮她的巧思妙想,帶給各位讀者一款製作簡單的健康甜點!這款純素版的藍莓乳酪, 無蛋、無牛奶脂,也沒有麵粉和精緻糖,吃起來完全零負擔。擔心無糖不夠好味?不用怕!這款乳酪綿潤冰涼,酸甜可口,可按照個人口味加入楓葉糖漿,絕對是一款美味又美麗的甜點,很適合夏天品嘗!
藍莓 125克(洗淨,留幾粒作裝飾)
新鮮椰青 2個(起肉)
檸檬 半個(榨汁)
楓葉糖漿 1湯匙(視乎個人喜好)
薄荷葉 幾片(裝飾用)
大麻籽 少許(裝飾用)
Blueberry Yoghurt
Ingredients (serves 2-4):
125g blueberries (washed, keep a few for decoration)
Coconut meat from 2 young coconuts
Juice from 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp maple syrup (to your liking)
A few mint leaves (for decoration)
A sprinkle of hempseed (for decoration)
- 將藍莓、椰青肉、檸檬汁、楓葉糖漿放入攪拌器內,打至非常幼滑;
- 將乳酪倒入2至4個杯內;
- 在乳酪上加入幾粒藍莓、幾片薄荷葉和灑上少許大麻籽作裝飾,即成。
- Put the blueberries, coconut meat, lemon juice and maple syrup into a food processor and blend until very smooth.
- Spoon the yoghurt into 2-4 small bowls.
- Add in the blueberries and mint leaves. Decorate with a sprinkle of hempseed on top. Serve fresh. Enjoy!