材料 (2人份):
昆布 一大片
乾冬菇 一隻
薯仔 半個
白蘿蔔 三分之一條
甘筍 半條
日式油揚豆腐 適量
韓式大醬(麵豉醬) 1湯匙
水 1500毫升
- 將昆布、乾冬菇用水浸約一小時,之後取出昆布及冬菇瀝乾,把浸昆布及冬菇的水留起備用;
- 將白蘿蔔、甘筍、薯仔切成薄片,將日式油揚豆腐切絲;
- 把昆布冬菇水倒入鍋中煮沸,再放入白蘿蔔片、甘筍片及薯仔片,以大火煮滾後,放入油揚豆腐絲,轉中火煮十分鐘,再加入大醬煮十分鐘,即可享用。
Korean Soybean Paste Soup
Ingredients (serves 2):
1 big piece of kombu
1 dried shiitake mushroom
1/2 potato
1/3 daikon radish
1/2 carrot
A handful of abura-age (Japanese deep-fried tofu)
1 tbsp Korean soybean paste
(you may adjust the quantity to your liking)
1500 ml water
- Soak the kombu and dried shiitake mushroom in water for around one hour. Remove from water and squeeze out any excess water. Keep the water and set aside.
- Finely slice the daikon radish, carrot and potato. Shred the abura-age.
- In a cooking pot, boil the water used for soaking the kombu and mushroom. Add the daikon radish, carrot and potato slices. Bring to the boil over high heat. Toss in the shredded abura-age. Reduce to medium heat and let it bubble for 10 minutes. Stir in the soybean paste and simmer for 10 more minutes. Ready to serve.