




大芥菜 半個
鹹酸菜 半顆
燕麥奶 2杯
白胡椒粒 2湯匙
車麩 2片
麵根 1個
洋薏米 1両
紅棗 5粒
包裝白果 15粒
杞子 適量
薑片 3-4片
水 適量

糖 2湯匙
大頭菜 2湯匙

醬油 少許
胡椒粉 少許
麻油 少許


  1. 紅棗洗淨去核、洋薏米杞子略為沖洗。大芥菜逐瓣剝下,用手搓洗葉梢部分,切成大塊備用。鹹酸菜與車麩分別用水浸泡1小時。
  2. 車麩榨乾水與麵根下少許麻油、醬油及胡椒粉醃15分鐘。

  3. 下一匙油把薑片將鑊爆香,將麵根、車麩放入鑊內略為煎香。

  4. 把步驟3的成品與其他所有材料及調味料放到湯煲,注入清水及燕麥奶。

  5. 中火煲約一個半小時即成。

  6. 溫馨提示︰車麩在日本超巿有售。


Vegetarian Pig Stomach with White Pepper Soup

1/2 large-petiole mustard
1/2 salted suan cai (Chinese pickled mustard)
2 cups oat milk
2 tbsp white peppercorns 2 kuruma-bu (Japanese wheel-shaped dried gluten cakes)
1 piece of Chinese wheat gluten
1 tael of pearl barley
5 red dates
15 shelled ginkgo nuts from a package
A small handful of goji
3-4 slices of ginger
A pot of water

2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp kohlrabi

Seasonings for the Chinese wheat gluten and kuruma-bu:
A drizzle of soy sauce
A sprinkle of ground pepper
A drizzle of sesame oil

Steps :

Tips: kuruma-bu can be found at Japanese supermarket.

  1. Wash and deseed the red dates. Rinse the pearl barley and goji. Tear off the leaves from the large-petiole mustard one by one, clean with water, chop into large pieces and set aside. Soak the salted suan cai and kuruma-bu in water for one hour respectively.

  2. Squeeze out the water from the kuruma-bu, place together with the Chinese wheat gluten and season with sesame oil, soy sauce and ground pepper. Set aside for 15 minutes.

  3. Preheat a frying pan. Drizzle in a good lug of oil to fry the ginger slices. Add the Chinese wheat gluten and kuruma-bu. Fry for a few minutes.

  4. Put all ingredients including ingredients from step 3 in a pot of water. Stir in the oat milk and seasonings.

  5. Cook over medium heat for around one and a half hour. Ready to serve.